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For this week, we have learn about Web Interaction and Interface Design...
In my opinion, Interaction Design focus on how users will interact with software or website itself. But, what is the relationship between the interaction design and Interface design?hmm..the interface design is the design of website with the focus on the user's experience and interaction. The goal of user interface design is to make the user's interaction as simple and efficient as possible, in terms of accomplishing user goals. So, what can i conclude here is the relationship between interaction design and interface design is the good interface design will make the users easy to interact with the website that related to interaction design...
Interface web design must consider a few things. They are:
U - Usability
V - Visualization
F - Functionality
Here, i would like to discuss each of those aspects that have to considered in Interface Design...
1. U - Usability
Usability? In this context, usability means the elegance (style, smartness) and clarity (simplicity, clearness) with which the interaction with a web site is designed. Honestly, as a user i really like and comfortable with a website that very simple, well organized and has its own style. The style maybe can be the trademark for each website.
The usability also considered pull-down menu, page turning navigation and index. Make sure all the navigation buttons do not make the users become more confius. (navigation samples).
The other thing that the developer must consider is scaffolding. Scaffolding is just like guider such as map, guide tour, table, search engine, land mark. (more on scaffolding)THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is, the web site must be user friendly. So that the user able to explore and navigate the web site easily.
2. V - Visualization
Visualization in my thought is something that we can see. So, in the web site, visualization is the interface itself with full of graphic, text and other media. Visualization do not bring any meaning if we do not describe what is the visual are all about. Thus, as the developer, he or she must design the meaningful visual for his or her website. So that, the user know what the objective of the website actually. The developer also must consider icon, text, colour, screen design to avoid the website become distracting to the users.
3. F - Functionality
Functionality in this context refers to function of the interface of the web site. The function of the interface should support the developer's instructional plans or strategies.
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Hmm....web project management must consider three things that are important. They are cost, time and quality. This three key elements must equally balance by the project manager so that, the project will run smoothly. Below is the diagram to show the balance of the 3 key elements.

As the process to build a web is a project, so the project manager can use the Model of Project Management to manage his or her staffs well. This model is a guide on how the project manager able to contribute the task among his or her staffs. In the lecture, we were exposed three Model of Project Management. They are.....
1. Traditional Organizational Hierarchy Model

This model recognises the authority of the Project Manager, but implies that decisions are taken at the "top" and communicated downwards.
This model ignores the fact that expertise in specific areas lies near the "bottom" of the hierarchy - and decisions are, wherever possible, arrived at by negotiation rather than by declaration.
2. Project Co-ordination Model

This model puts the Project MAnager at the centre of the hub, co-ordinating activities between teams or individuals.
The danger with this model is that the Project Manager can easily lose control of the management process, as all work is carried out by, and decisions are taken between, parties at the rim, with no more than token reference to the Project Manager.
3. Delicate Tension Model

The Project Manager is clearly in possession of the requisite authority, but informal (or even formal) reporting and communication between other parties, without reference to the Project Manager, is recognised. This is a delicate tension, since the Project Manager must be appraised of all important aspects of the project as it develops. Moreover..finding the right balance in any project takes time and care.
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In this lesson, we were discuss related about the model of management and the role of project management (PM) itself to build a website...
After my group which consist of Jamal and Maltineh.....we were agreed that the role of PM include of:
1. understanding the KNOWLEDGE of the web
a) the PM must has an encyclopedia....means he or she must know what is the web
actually, which web host is perform the other words, the project manager
must make comparison to make a better website.
b) aware of weakness and strength of his or her website
c) alert of his or her competition
d) the PM must be the one of up-to-date person
e) aware of other elements than the website itself
f) troubleshooting
2. communication
a) good communicator
b) able to accept other opinions that relevant
c) balance the communication among the PM's staff
d) stay in the middle..for example, if the problems occur among the staff, as possible take the
solution that has win win situation.
e) use new technology to communicate with other people rather than face to face...perhaps
maybe through the email or video conference
3. documentation
a) the PM himself must has knowledge related to the documentation
b) the documentation must be well organize
c) the PM must supervise the documentation along the process
d) and the most important thing is make use of the document itself....means do not just
make the documentation but not refer to it
4. quality Control
a) be aware of progression
b) check the characteristics of the good quality by the responsibility authorities
c) make sure that the website achieve the goal
d) make sure all of the staff do their job when the PM gives instruction, so that, all the works is
done and do not interrupt other process to build the website
click here for more info
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hurm....HOW FAST DOES A WEBSITE NEED TO BE?.....good question right...
This article is written by Scott Barber, USA. In his article, there is a few points to be highlighted. There are.....
1. Considerations Affecting Performance Expectations. It is divided into 3 which are:
a) user psychology
user psychology is related to what the user like. In my opinion, it is because the users nowadays hate to wait for too long even 1 minute. Unless, there is at lease information how long they have to wait for. So, they can do something else while waiting rather than doing nothing.
b) system considerations
System considerations include,
I) system hardware
ii) network and/or Internet bandwidth of the system
iii) geographical replication
iv) software architecture
c) usage considerations
Depends on the way of the Web site will be used. Sites that people use for work-related activities need to be faster than sites that are use primarily for recreational purposes.
2. Performance Requirements in :
a) user expectations
Users previously use the slow internet speed for example, but now with the faster speed, the users expect more than before. So, if the expectation does not come true, it will be more
b) resource limitations for example time, money hardware, networks, and software.
c) stakeholder expectations
Stakeholders want the best possible system for the least possible money
3. Consider performance in three areas,
a) speed requirements

b) scalibility requirements
scalability requirements that go with the speed requirements
c) stability requirements
For example, system automatically recovers with no human interaction after a reboot/power
Click here for the full article,
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For the last lesson on 8 July 2009,
Dr Dayang told that before we build up a website, there are few things that you have to consider, such as web users psychology that....
1. like multimedia which consist of graphic, video, animation, text, audio and interactivity
2. hate waiting - and the solution is such as e- filing for paying tax
3. hate obsolete formats
4. find it a hurdle to download and install plug -in (add-in which is more to displaying things) add on, i read an article titled "Considerations Before Starting a Website"..Actually, t is a simple article..but there is a point in it for us to consider which are
a) What is your objective
b) Who is your target audience
c) What do you want your website to communicate to your visitors
d) What information do you want make available
e) What are some tried and true strategies and help eg: select your graphic carefully (consider size
of the graphic)
You also can view this page for more info..
Dr Dayang told that before we build up a website, there are few things that you have to consider, such as web users psychology that....
1. like multimedia which consist of graphic, video, animation, text, audio and interactivity
2. hate waiting - and the solution is such as e- filing for paying tax
3. hate obsolete formats
4. find it a hurdle to download and install plug -in (add-in which is more to displaying things) add on, i read an article titled "Considerations Before Starting a Website"..Actually, t is a simple article..but there is a point in it for us to consider which are
a) What is your objective
b) Who is your target audience
c) What do you want your website to communicate to your visitors
d) What information do you want make available
e) What are some tried and true strategies and help eg: select your graphic carefully (consider size
of the graphic)
You also can view this page for more info..
lecture's summary/portfolio
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HI my Friends,
This blog is created in order to learn something new especially in web development...
Many notes and planning projects will be uploaded....insyaALLAH..
AND.....i do hope to all who are interested in web development come and join this blog...
AND LAST BUT NOT LEASE.....i do really hope that all of you can give support and give your wonderful comments in here...