::3rd week::Web Interaction and Interface Design

For this week, we have learn about Web Interaction and Interface Design...

In my opinion,
Interaction Design focus on how users will interact with software or website itself. But, what is the relationship between the interaction design and Interface design?hmm..the interface design is the design of website with the focus on the user's experience and interaction. The goal of user interface design is to make the user's interaction as simple and efficient as possible, in terms of accomplishing user goals. So, what can i conclude here is the relationship between interaction design and interface design is the good interface design will make the users easy to interact with the website that related to interaction design...

Interface web design must consider a few things. They are:
U - Usability
V - Visualization
F - Functionality

Here, i would like to discuss each of those aspects that have to considered in Interface Design...

1. U
- Usability
? In this context, usability means the elegance (style, smartness) and clarity (simplicity, clearness) with which the interaction with a web site is designed. Honestly, as a user i really like and comfortable with a website that very simple, well organized and has its own style. The style maybe can be the trademark for each website.

The usability also considered pull-down menu, page turning navigation and index. Make sure all the navigation buttons do not make the users become more confius. (navigation samples).

The other thing that the developer must consider is scaffolding. Scaffolding is just like guider such as map, guide tour, table, search engine, land mark. (more on scaffolding)THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is, the web site must be user friendly. So that the user able to explore and navigate the web site easily.

V - Visualization
Visualization in my thought is something that we can see. So, in the web site, visualization is the interface itself with full of graphic, text and other media. Visualization do not bring any meaning if we do not describe what is the visual are all about. Thus, as the developer, he or she must design the meaningful visual for his or her website. So that, the user know what the objective of the website actually. The developer also must consider icon, text, colour, screen design to avoid the website become distracting to the users.

F - Functionality
Functionality in this context refers to function of the interface of the web site. The function of the interface should support the developer's instructional plans or strategies.


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