Hmm....web project management must consider three things that are important. They are cost, time and quality. This three key elements must equally balance by the project manager so that, the project will run smoothly. Below is the diagram to show the balance of the 3 key elements.

As the process to build a web is a project, so the project manager can use the Model of Project Management to manage his or her staffs well. This model is a guide on how the project manager able to contribute the task among his or her staffs. In the lecture, we were exposed three Model of Project Management. They are.....
1. Traditional Organizational Hierarchy Model

This model recognises the authority of the Project Manager, but implies that decisions are taken at the "top" and communicated downwards.
This model ignores the fact that expertise in specific areas lies near the "bottom" of the hierarchy - and decisions are, wherever possible, arrived at by negotiation rather than by declaration.
2. Project Co-ordination Model

This model puts the Project MAnager at the centre of the hub, co-ordinating activities between teams or individuals.
The danger with this model is that the Project Manager can easily lose control of the management process, as all work is carried out by, and decisions are taken between, parties at the rim, with no more than token reference to the Project Manager.
3. Delicate Tension Model

The Project Manager is clearly in possession of the requisite authority, but informal (or even formal) reporting and communication between other parties, without reference to the Project Manager, is recognised. This is a delicate tension, since the Project Manager must be appraised of all important aspects of the project as it develops. Moreover..finding the right balance in any project takes time and care.
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