TASK - ^how FAST does a WEBSITE need to be?

hurm....HOW FAST DOES A WEBSITE NEED TO BE?.....good question right...

This article is written by Scott Barber, USA. In his article, there is a few points to be highlighted. There are.....

1. Considerations Affecting Performance Expectations. It is divided into 3 which are:

a) user psychology
user psychology is related to what the user like. In my opinion, it is because the users nowadays hate to wait for too long even 1 minute. Unless, there is at lease information how long they have to wait for. So, they can do something else while waiting rather than doing nothing.

b) system considerations
System considerations include,
I) system hardware
ii) network and/or Internet bandwidth of the system
iii) geographical replication
iv) software architecture

c) usage considerations
Depends on the way of the Web site will be used. Sites that people use for work-related activities need to be faster than sites that are use primarily for recreational purposes.

2. Performance Requirements in :

a) user expectations
Users previously use the slow internet speed for example, but now with the faster speed, the users expect more than before. So, if the expectation does not come true, it will be more
b) resource limitations for example time, money hardware, networks, and software.
c) stakeholder expectations
Stakeholders want the best possible system for the least possible money

3. Consider performance in three areas,

a) speed requirements

b) scalibility requirements
scalability requirements that go with the speed requirements
c) stability requirements
For example, system automatically recovers with no human interaction after a reboot/power

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