What is audio actually? Audio is a sound within the acoustic range available to humans. Audio can be used through the web. This is because the audio can make the presentation alive. Besides, the audio also can improve the navigation system through voice over or background sound.
The audio can be played through streaming or download. Both of them have different definition. Streaming in this context means we can play the music without waiting the downloading process while download means the music file has to be downloaded before can be played.
Hmm...there a few format of audio file. For example, mp3, real audio or MIDI. As long as i know, mp3 has smaller size but retain the quality of the music while real audio has smaller size than mp3 but unfortunately decrease the quality of the music. Other tan that, MIDI file audio just concern about the music itself rather than the singer like instrumental music. So, the size is quite small and need less time to be downloaded.
Morover, there are a few factors that effect the rate of transferring audio data such as:
1. Internet speed
2. file size and the quality of the audio
3. Compression technique that has been used
4. technology of distributing the audio
For today, we will discuss on the WEBPAGE TOOLS.
Webpage tools consists a few elements such as, chatting, forum, email, downloading and uploading files, search engine and guestbook.
Internet chatting is when two or more online individuals come together to chat inside a chatroom, virtual software,a website, or instant messenger. Chats can be ongoing or scheduled for a particular time and duration. Most chats are focused on a particular topic of interest and some involve guest experts or famous people who "talk" to anyone joining the chat.
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Forum on webpage is online discussion site. It originated as the modern equivalent of a traditional, bulletin board and a technological evolution of the dialup bulletin board system. From a technological standpoint, forums or boards are web application managing user-generated content. People participating in an Internet forum may cultivate social bonds and interest groups for a topic may form from the discussions.
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Email stands for electronic mail. Email actually a system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a computer network, as between personal computers.
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Downloading and Uploading files
Uploading and downloading are two terms used in computing to refer to data transfer. In brief, files are considered uploaded when they are transferred from a computer to a central server. Files are downloaded when they are transferred from a server to a smaller peripheral unit.
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Search Engine
Search engine is a place, on the Net, where one goes to find sites about specific information. When you have a Web site and you want people to be able to find it you must go to the search engines and submit your site to them so they will list it. Some examples of search engines are Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista, Metasearch and Metacrawler.
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GuestbookGuestbook is a FORM filled in by a visitor when accessing a website. Usually, these forms ask for basic information such as your name, email address, and phone number. They are sometimes used for legitimate purposes such as for the notification of Web site updates. Moreover, web designers use the guestbooks often, asking a visitor to a Web site to fill in a guest book results in their leaving the site.
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