Hurm....web design interface must suitable with the users itself. There are many factors that we have to look for before design our interface web design. For example, if our website is focus on preschool students, we have to consider that the children are a heterogeneous group different from the average user type, with different interests, needs and cognitive abilities. So, a few factors that we have to look for before we design the website are:
1. more images than text
2. easy reading
3. navigation elements should be intuitive, simple, and of an optimal size for the motor
capabilities of the child
4. Interface colours - more to cheerful clours
In conclusion, at this early age, children have not reading or writing skills, so the multimedia
content plays a leading role and adapting it to the user’s characteristics is pedagogically beneficial.
In my concern, andragogy is related to education that involved adult learners. There is a principle that describe of the adult learners called Knowle's Principle of andragogy. Actually from this principle, the website developer that focus on the adult learners should know the behavior and apply it on the website itself. For example, the principle stated that:
1. the learners as self directed
2. adults can be a resource for their own learning and learning of others
3. focused on the learners' developmental goals
4. Learning as application to real world
So, the developer should design a website that allow user to explore the web by himself/herself.In that case, the design including the font, colours and etc have to be considered such as :
1. do not use fancy colours for background and font
2. make less use of graphic
3. more navigation button to explore
4. larger the font if possible to make it easy reading
5. More application situation included
Cooperative learning can be defined as learning situation in which the students of all levels of performance work together in structured group toward a shared or common goal.
The technologies that are applied in this cooperative learning environment include multimedia technology, web authoring tools, and Internet communication tools such as email, chatrooms, instant messaging (via Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger) and discussion boards services.
Multimedia and web authoring tools allowed
students to exercise their creative thinking skills to apply various media elements to their information and content, as well as interactive features to make the application appealing and dynamic.
Internet communication tools allowed for both asynchronous and synchronous two-way communication activities to be conducted between the teacher and students, and among the students themselves. Students can leave email messages for the teacher to answer before their next class, and conduct virtual meetings with their group members at night from their own homes, and during times when members are unable to meet.
So, in conclusion, the webpage tools such as chatting, forum and email are actually needed in a webpage that based on cooperative learning in order to make the user interact to each other to gather information.
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lecture's summary/portfolio
How inspiring this was! This subjects are precisely what I needed for my next project... I encourage you to keep doing great post. Good luck from GrafWeb.
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